It is a real blessing to have good godly friends. But it is also a blessing to be a godly friend to others (Ecc 4:9); by showing ourselves “friendly.” People who are always angry (Prov 22:24), will not have many friends. We are instructed to avoid them, lest we learn their ways (Ps 1:1)! Often, those who are heavily involved in doing drugs or alcohol were friends with those who persuaded them and corrupted their “good manners” (1 Cor 15:33)! Some even ended up in prison because they followed “a companion of fools” (Prov 13:20).
It seems like everyone wants to have friends, no matter who they are (Prov 16:28). However, true friends will stick with you closer than your own brother or sister; they would love you in good times or in bad times (Prov 17:17). They are not really your friends if they’re only interested in what you can give or do for them (Ps 44:21). True friends will also stick with you whether you are rich or poor! You may even get hurt when they say words that are true (Prov 27:6), because they love you. Some folks get offended with a strong rebuke through the preaching of God’s word (Titus 2:15). They don’t realize that it “is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16)!
You may not like what you hear, but if you have true godly friends, they would tenderly point out what you are doing wrong (1 Pet 3:8). If you humbly agree, then their hearty counsel is like an “ointment and perfume” (Prov 27:9), that rejoices the heart! When you are trying to sharpen an iron (Prov 27:17), you need something harder and stronger to make it sharp and useful. I realize that we’re not always the sharp one in a friendship, but that’s why it’s important to have a friend and even a pastor that will help to keep us sharp as well! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera