Every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night during our services, we offer a nursery for infants through 3 year olds. The nurseries are free, clean, and well-supervised by qualified staff.
For children ages 4 to 12 we have programs for children during Sunday morning & Wednesday evening church services. Our children are important to us and they are important to God. Our children's ministry here at Berean Bible Baptist Church is an exciting, energetic program designed with you and your child’s benefits in mind. You can always be sure that your child will be taught God’s Word in a safe, controlled environment with trained and caring staff.
The primary goal is for our children to get saved and develop a personal lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
Children’s Sunday School at 10am
Teacher: Bro. Caleb Barrera, Call or Text (619) 882-0739, if you need a RIDE.
Children’s Church every Sunday at 11:45am (or before the preaching)
Master's Club for Kids every Wednesday at 7:15pm
The Youth Ministry is full of opportunities to serve and grow. Through the Sunday school classes as well as various teen activities and events, our young people have grown in their relationships with Christ. Wholesome activities are designed to encourage relational and spiritual growth with one another and with our Lord.
Our primary goal in the youth ministry here at Berean Bible Baptist Church is the training of young people for the glory and service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was the goal of Christ on this earth and the parting demand He gave to His disciples (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 2:2; Philippians 4:9).
How can this goal be accomplished with our youth ministry? We believe that there are three primary means of incorporating this philosophy into our youth ministry. First, preaching the word of God faithfully and consistently produces change in the lives of those who will hear. Secondly, encouraging young people to have their own consistent personal time in the Word of God will result in their learning to feed themselves with the great truths of our God. Finally, personal contact and follow-up with teenagers to direct them to take great steps toward Christ-likeness.
It would be our great joy to serve you and your teenager here at Berean Bible Baptist Church! We look forward to the opportunity to meet you and minister to your family.
Teen Life Application Sunday School (with Bro. Caleb) at 10am
Youth Nights: Last Friday of every month, Time: TBA
If you have any questions, please contact our acting director of youth ministries:
Bro. Caleb Barrera
Cell: (619) 882-0739
Email: caleb.barrera7@gmail.com
Peer pressure is strong. Singles have challenges and struggles that can only be answered from God’s Word. Singles need direction and wisdom. You need friends that help and strengthen you along the way. You need influences that encourage purity rather than robbing it. All of this and more can be found in the singles’ ministries at Berean Bible Baptist Church. With weekly classes and activities, the single adults at Berean Bible Baptist Church are growing together as believers in Christ.
Sunday School Teachers: Brother Abel Saluta and Sister Leah Saluta
In every stage and in every circumstance of life, we want to encourage and enrich godly, lifelong families while holding to the truth of God’s Word and defending the covenant relationship that God has established between one man and one woman.
Sunday School Teacher: Pastor Melito Barrera
La Iglesia Bautista Bíblica Berea les invita a asistir a su ministerio en español.
Escuela Dominical - 10am
Estamos enseñando el Evangelio de San Juan capítulo por capítulo y versículo por versículo.
Usted venga y recíba bendición.
Servicio de Predicación - 11am y 5pm
Miercoles 7pm
Nuestro deseo es alcanzar a la comunidad Hispana en la ciudad de Chula Vista con el evangelio de Jesucristo.
Los Esperamos,
Pastor Daniel Pacheco
Líder del Ministerio Hispano
Favor de llamarnos si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias.
619-250-7482 para español o inglés.
"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado á su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." Juan 3:16
Como Ser Salvo e Ir al Cielo
Debemos reconocer que:
1. Todos somos pecadores
Romanos 3:23 - "Por cuanto todos pecaron y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios."
2. El pecado tiene un precio terrible
Romanos 6:23 - "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro."
3. Cristo pagó por nuestros pecados
Romanos 5:8 - "Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros."
4. Debemos aceptar el perdón de Dios por nuestros pecados
Romanos 10:13 - "Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo."
Puedes orar así:
Entiendo que soy pecador y que mi pecado me separa de Ti. Entiendo que Jesús murió por mis pecados, y le pido que me perdone todos mis pecados y que sea mi Salvador personal. Gracias Señor Jesús por tu perdón, por salvarme de ir al infierno, y por darme un hogar en el cielo. En el nombre de Cristo Jesús, Amén.