This Psalm calls for all believers to worship and praise the Lord. We are to come before His presence by making “a joyful noise.” God delights in the praises of His people (Ps 22:3)! The word “make” pertains to making music or “singing” (v. 2b). The word “joyful” means to give a public confession of God’s “marvellous works” (Ps 9:1). “Noise” simply means to raise our voices by shouting “for joy” (Ps 32:11). We can clearly see that the Psalmist is calling on God’s people to lift up an anthem of praise from their hearts to the Lord (Ps 57:7)!
When we have truly trusted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour by faith (Rom 5:1), then there will now be a tendency to sing praises to Him. Because, He has put a new song in our mouths (Ps 40:3). We would no longer be singing after the world and all it had to offer (1 Jn 2:15); we would now be singing to the Lord, Who bought us “with a price” (1 Cor 6:20). When we have the right spirit with Him, then our voices will be lifted up with singing His majesty (Isa 24:14). Genuine praise will always be vocal and visible in public – it is a genuine expression of the changes that God has made in our lives (2 Cor 5:17).
He gets all the glory! We now see the priority of serving “the Lord with gladness” (v. 2a). By humbly obeying God’s commands (Jms 4:10), just like Jesus did (Php 2:8). Some folks don’t like anyone telling them what to do. But in Christ, we are to serve Him “heartily” (Col 3:23), all to His glory and honor (1 Cor 10:31). There should be gladness when we receive His word (Acts 2:41), and when we pray (1 Thes 5:16). As sinners saved by His grace (Eph 2:8), we should always be glad when we “go into the house of the Lord” (Ps 122:1), to find out every “opportunity” (Eph 6:10), that we can serve Him! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera