This person who came “running and kneeled” to Jesus was a “certain ruler” (Lk 18:18), who held a place of honor. God “is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). In His eyes, all are sinners (Rom 3:23)! Salvation cannot be earned either by one’s influence or position (Titus 3:5). When Jesus named several commandments, the man responded that he had observed them from his youth (v. 20). He may indeed be a good moral person, but it still would not be enough to get him to Heaven (Eph 2:9). The Jews thought that they could be saved by working “the works of God” (Jn 6:28).
However, we are “not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ” (Gal 2:16). Sadly, many people today still think that God will somehow grade their earthly performance by weighing the good against the bad; whatever comes out more will determine where they will spend eternity. The truth is that even the most morally upright people in the world will end up in hell (Mk 9:46), if they are not saved God’s way (Jn 14:6)! The man showed a sense of urgency because he came running to Jesus. He must have realized that life “is of few days, and full of trouble” (Job 14:1).
We will not spend eternity here on earth – “all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again” (Ecc 3:20). Life is passing by swiftly and will one day run out (Prov 27:1). Do you know for sure where you will spend eternity after death? The reality of death (Heb 9:27), is the reason why God tells us that “now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2). If you have not yet trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior by faith (Eph 2:8), then today is the only day that you are promised. Tomorrow may be too late! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera