When Jonah finally obeyed God after spending “three days and three nights in the whale's belly” (Mt 12:40), he reluctantly preached to the people of Nineveh (v. 4), and they “believed God” (v. 5). Their king also believed (v. 6), and commanded them to “cry mightily unto God.” Our nation is undergoing a great transition with the newly elected government officials. Bible-believing Christians ought to “cry mightily unto God” by praying for our leaders (Rom 13:1), because they also have a tendency to make mistakes after their successes. For example, God was angry at David for numbering Israel (2 Sam 24:1). Not only it was incited by Satan (1 Chr 21:1), but under the law, men only had the right to number what belonged to them (Ex 30:12).
Israel belongs to God and not David! As a result, God sent a plague, and seventy thousand men died (2 Sam 24:15). Solomon “loved many strange women” (1 Ki 11:1), and he later “did evil in the sight of the Lord” (1 Ki 11:6). Therefore, God divided his kingdom (1 Ki 11:35)! We must pray for our president, senators, representatives, and justices (1 Tim 2:2). They face many challenges that include opposition from within. It happened to David when his own son, Absalom, and his chief counselor, Ahithophel, conspired against him (2 Sam 15:12). We must pray that our president’s cabinet and trusted advisors remain loyal to him (1 Pet 2:17).
Our nation is vulnerable to potential attacks from foreign adversaries. There will also be some natural disasters that could devastate communities; these are the “beginning of sorrows” (Mt 24:8). We must pray for God’s mercy and protection to our nation (2 Chr 7:14). God spared Nineveh because the king and the inhabitants repented! We must “cry mightily unto God” that through our labour of love, our witness, and our faith, we would also see people turn to Jesus! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera