Belshazzar was the king of Babylon when it fell into the hands of the Medo-Persians (v. 31). I have no doubt that his father (v. 2), king Nebuchadnezzar, must have shared with him all that the Lord had done (Dan 3:29). However, instead of obeying and honoring God (Dan 4:37), Belshazzar indulged in desecration, debauchery, and drunkenness (v. 3). Sadly, we live in a time where the public education system no longer teaches about the Great Awakenings that happened in America between the 18th and 20th centuries. We used to have a godly heritage of faith and humble submission to God and His word (Ps 33:12).
But that heritage is under attack today! Many have never heard of the great revivals that swept across America, which helped our nation establish itself as a beacon of life, liberty, and religious freedom in the world. In fact, Harvard University, which is the oldest institution of higher learning in the US, was originally established for the purpose of training Christian ministers. Its original motto back in 1692; Truth, Christ, and the church were removed. They now believe that there is no limit to man’s reasoning and God’s revelation is no longer needed.
They also believe that truth can be found apart from God (Jn 18:38), and elevating man above God (Acts 10:26), as the ultimate authority! We live in an age where people tell God that they don’t need Him, the Bible, and the church (2 Tim 3:1). They don’t want God to be in charge of our nation, our schools, and our homes (Rom 13:1). Back in 1962, the courts ruled that prayer and Bible reading were unconstitutional. We are now reaping what we have sown (Gal 6:7)! Public schools today don’t allow prayer, and Christian students who mention or display the name of Jesus are regarded as offensive. We must pray for America (2 Chr 7:14). Let us not allow ourselves to be like Belshazzar, who ignored the teachings and warnings of the previous generation! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera