We all need to be warned of the numerous false teachings and doctrines around us (2 Pet 2:1). Jesus warned of false prophets, which come to us “in sheep's clothing” (Mt 7:15). Paul prayed for and warned the early church of their dangers (Acts 30:31). John, in our passage, warned that “many deceivers are entered into the world” (v. 7), who are not to be entertained (v. 10). Even strong churches, which are quite few nowadays (Mt 7:14), are in need of such warnings! They help us to be alert and actively involved in upholding the truth (Titus 1:9), while resisting error (1 Pet 5:9). Sadly, there are numerous distractions that arise from today’s modern technologies. They enable us to send emails and text messages anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.
We can even use certain apps that allow us to see the person talking on the screen. But there is nothing like a personal visit! Just as John desires to have a “face to face” meeting with “the elder unto the elect lady and her children” (v. 1). He would no longer write to them “with paper and ink,” which may take longer than an actual visit. Most folks today rely heavily on text or phone messaging. A lot of people now rely on livestream broadcasts because they are too busy for church (Heb 10:25).
You may also observe that most young people struggle to communicate verbally because they are not used to talking with a person face to face! There are many sick people in hospitals and elders confined in nursing facilities that hardly get any visitors. We need to visit them and pray with them (Acts 20:20). People need to see us, and we need to see them (2 Cor 7:6). Sometimes, just being there would do more than anything we could say. Their joy would also be our joy! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera