Job’s life stands as a testimony to God’s faithfulness and His power to bring His children through fiery trials (1 Pet 4:12). But his friends (v. 11), did not give him any words of encouragement. They even tried to push him farther down in his misery. Just like his wife, who told him to “curse God, and die” (v. 9)! Eliphaz started his discourse by flattering Job (Job 4:3), and telling him that he has already been there and done that by focusing on himself (Job 4:8). He said that Job was suffering because he deserved it (Job 5:13).
There are many people who are like Eliphaz. They initially have good intentions and pretend to be spiritual (Prov 12:22)! Bildad on the other hand, tried to point out Job’s spiritual shortcomings (Job 8:6), and basically told him that he was a bad person and a hypocrite (Job 8:13). While Zophar analyzes the situation and concluded that Job was a liar (Job 11:3). He tells Job that if only he repented and got right with God, all his miseries would never happen (Job 11:6). There may be times that friends around us would try to point out our failures or shortcomings without really knowing the details of our situation.
Job responded by letting his friends know that he has more understanding than them (Job 12:3). At the end, Job’s friends ate “bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him” (Job 42:11). Whenever we see people hurting, the best way to give comfort is to pray for them (2 Thes 1:11). It is also wise to refrain our lips (Prov 10:19), from any unsolicited advice about their situation (Job 6:22). Ask the Lord for wisdom (Jms 1:5), when quoting from scriptures to provide them with assurance of hope (Rom 15:4)! Just be a friend like our Lord Jesus (Prov 18:24); He will never fail us! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera