When Judas Iscariot came to the garden in “Gethsemane” (v. 36), he was with “a great multitude with swords and staves” (v. 47). They arrested Jesus and took Him “away to Caiaphas the high priest” (v. 57). Simon Peter “followed Him afar off,” and sat with the servants outside the high priest's palace. While he “stood and warmed himself” (Jn 18:25), Peter had an opportunity to shine his light (Mt 5:14), but it was dimmed! He was a saved man and living a new life “in Christ” (2 Cor 5:17), but no one was able to see Jesus in him (2 Cor 3:3).
Peter was a fisherman (Mt 4:18), who was part of a group that were known for their vulgarity and sinful lifestyles (Lk 5:8). If you are saved by the blood of Jesus (Rom 5:9), then you remember where He found you (Ps 40:2), and where He dug you out (Isa 51:1)! As bible-believing Christians, we can all remember our lives before Jesus, just like Paul (Gal 1:13). We also remember that day when His light shined upon our lives (Acts 9:3). Peter followed Jesus, but he did not go all the way for Him. He just stood outside, warming himself with unbelievers.
There are just some places that believers ought not to go! Since our bodies are now the temples “of the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor 6:19), we must ensure that everything we do, and the places we go to would give honor and glory to God (1 Cor 10:31)! It wasn’t long until Peter was acting like the crowd around him. After denying the Lord Jesus three times (v. 72), he began “to curse and to swear” (v. 74). We all need to exercise caution when it comes to the people we associate with. Because “evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Cor 15:33). If we’re not careful, that old fleshly nature (Col 3:9), might show up on us and ruin our testimonies! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera