John addressed this short epistle to Gaius, who was a well beloved elder and fellow helper (v. 1). He had a faithful ministry because he sought to honor God “for His name's sake” (v. 7a). We need more Gaiuses in our bible-believing churches today! Those who would be willing to step up to the plate and be “a pattern of good works” (Titus 2:7), in the ministry (2 Cor 9:10). These works should match our doctrine, unlike the Pharisees who “say, and do not” (Mt 23:3). People watch what we do more than they listen to what we say (Jms 1:22)! Therefore, we must ensure that we “do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). Paul witnessed the charity of Gaius “before the church.” It was a very important character trait when he “went forth” (v. 7b), on his journey to proclaim the gospel.
He was not expecting any financial support from the unbelieving Gentiles. God’s people should support God’s work! Especially in giving to missions, just like “the churches of Macedonia” (2 Cor 8:1). But we must only support those who are “likeminded” (Php 2:2). Sometimes, unbelieving folks who are wealthy want to donate huge sums of money to the church. However, there’s always some ulterior motives attached. They either want to get the glory for themselves (Php 3:19), or to have a strong influence! Some even think that their donations could earn them a way into heaven.
God says that the rich man should not “glory in his riches” (Jer 9:23)! It may take some time for missionary families on deputation to get support from various likeminded churches. But I’m glad that they are relying upon God and other fellow believers for their support (Php 4:19). Like Gaius, we also need to be sensitive to the needs of our brethren who are called in full-time ministries. If we are generous in giving towards God’s work, then we shall do well! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera