God warned the people of Israel through His prophet, Jeremiah, about their impending judgment (Jer 22:25), but they did not listen. Jeremiah is most likely the author of this book, which is a collection of five poems corresponding to its five chapters. He may have written it before he was taken to Egypt against his will (Jer 43:2)! Jeremiah was also the author of other laments or expressions of grief and deep sorrow (2 Chr 35:25). God’s warnings are not His judgments, they are His grace (Ex 33:13)! Once ignored, judgment will follow! In this book, we see the details of Jerusalem’s destruction (Lam 2:2), the enemy’s cruelty (Lam 3:52), and the horrors of starvation (Lam 4:10).
They expressed their remorse in the darkest days of adversity (Lam 5:1)! As God’s children, He always provides us hope (Ps 38:15), in the midst of dire situations (Ps 25:19). We know that He is continually shaping and molding us (Jer 18:4), to conform “to the image of His Son” (Rom 8:29). He does this through tribulations that work out our patience; then this patience would build up our “experience; and experience, hope” (Rom 5:4)! We live in a broken world that is full of evil and sorrow (Gen 6:5). We witness so much trouble, distress, sickness, and agony around us (Jn 16:33). When someone loses a loved one, it is only right to express grief (Jms 4:9)! As bible-believing Christians, we are encouraged to “weep with them that weep” (Rom 12:15), and provide them with some comfort during their difficult times.
The Psalmist often poured out his hurts, frustrations, and tears before the Lord (Ps 35:26). Paul was not ashamed to share his pain in the ministry (2 Cor 6:5). Even our Lord Jesus wept at the death of His friend Lazarus (Jn 11:35). God gave us tear ducts to cry unto Him (Ps 6:6), for help in times of trouble (Ps 46:1). Lamentation and prayers are all part of our journey of faith in this broken world! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera