Joseph was born into a family that has many controversies. His father Jacob fell in love with Rachel and agreed to work seven years for her father Laban (Gen 29:18). However, on the night of their wedding, Laban deceived Jacob, by sending his eldest daughter Leah instead of Rachel (Gen 29:23). Jacob had to work another seven years (Gen 29:27), to get the hand of Rachel. Then she had to wait several years (Gen 29:31), until she gave birth to Joseph. His upbringing was filled with turmoil and envy from his brothers (Gen 37:11); they sold him into slavery (Gen 37:28); and then they deceived their father into thinking that he was devoured by “an evil beast” (Gen 37:33).
But we know that God knew exactly what He was doing because “His way is perfect” (Ps 18:30). Life often brings something pressing (2 Cor 4:8), where we feel so overwhelmed and burdened. We must remember to always “trust in the Lord” (Prov 3:5), for He alone can give us peace and comfort (Php 4:7). He has plans for our lives, and He shall implement them according to His perfect timing (Ecc 3:11)! Looking at Joseph’s life may have brought up some bad memories from the past. Some were raised in homes with abusive parents. Others were raised in an environment of cursing, drinking, and drugs. May I encourage you to cast whatever dark pasts you may have upon the Lord (1 Pet 5:7).
Just because you were raised in a dysfunctional family doesn’t mean you have to live that way. They should neither ruin you nor define who you are today! Despite Joseph’s painful memories, he maintained his integrity and grew up in the fear of God (Gen 42:18). Our homes must be places where Jesus is glorified; the Bible is read and lived. By God’s grace, we can overcome the negative pasts and trust Him for the strength so we can live with the memories while avoiding the same mistakes! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera