When we think of the word benefit, we are often reminded of something that helps to enhance our well-being; such as health, paid leave, or retirement. In our passage, David calls in remembrance all of the Lord’s “benefits” upon his life. It pertains to God’s dealings on how He treats the soul or what a person deserves for his actions (Num 5:7). The Psalmist wants to stir up his own “soul” – the inner man, to get him excited about everything that the Lord has done (Ps 66:16); is continually doing (Ps 118:23), and had promised to do for him and through him (Ps 23:6)! He wants to “bless the Lord,” by giving Him praises and adorations (Ps 5:7).
Because he knows that God is Holy (Isa 6:3), and is worthy of all his praises (Ps 146:1). The personal pronouns “thy, thee, and thine” in verses 3-5 are all referring to the soul. David wants to make sure that his soul is constantly abiding in the Lord and he never turns his attention on other gods (Ex 20:3). God’s benefits are able to provide guidance (Ps 32:8), and provisions (Php 4:19), for His children, across the numerous trials, troubles, and challenges of this life (2 Cor 4:9), to our home in glory “from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Php 3:20)!
We may not have much in this world, but if we love and faithfully obey God (Jn 14:15), then we shall enjoy all His benefits (Php 4:4). He gives us peace that the world never gives (Php 4:7), and we “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet 1:8). Our world is constantly changing. People have constant problems with their health, their finances, and their relationships. Even local churches are not immune to problems. But let me remind you today to never forget what God has done for us. While everything around us is changing, God never changes (Heb 13:8). Therefore, His gracious benefits shall also never change! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera