Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” (v. 7), was given to him so that he would recognize the sufficiency of God’s grace in his “weakness” (v. 9). It also serves to remind us that God always has a purpose (Rom 8:28), for all the hardships that come our way. Paul knew that his trials were “for Christ’s sake,” and not the result of some foolish decisions that he made. Sadly, most people today are facing some pain and suffering due to their own fleshly choices (Gal 6:7). God allows it so they can get right with Him (Rom 12:2). Paul’s infirmities caused him to be weak, yet he became strong! How? When his strength was overwhelmed with pain (Php 1:29), God’s power was able to move in ways that he had never seen before (Eph 6:1).
Often, when we experience the storms of life, God is bringing us to a place where our hearts can be “broken” and our spirits “contrite” (Ps 34:18), so He can move through us. If we want to gain the power of God (Ps 147:3), then we have to get ready for some pain (Job 30:17)! God, in His amazing grace (Jn 1:16), is teaching us a lesson on how to rejoice in the midst of difficult circumstances (Jms 1:12). Most of us can rejoice after the pain or when things are going well (1 Pet 1:6), but we have trouble rejoicing when we are in the middle of a storm.
God is always in control (Isa 41:10). He knows exactly what He is doing, and He alone can turn our “mourning into dancing” (Ps 30:11)! By looking beyond the thorns of life, we can experience God’s power in whatever we are facing. It may be hard, harsh, and hurtful, but God has a perfect plan for our lives. All He wants is for us to yield to His perfect will so He can get all the glory! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera