Haggai wrote these prophecies when Judah was returning to their land after the 70-year Babylonian captivity (Jer 25:11). A group came back with the sole purpose of re-building the temple that king Solomon built (1 Ki 5:5). They were able to build the altar and the important sacrifices were re-instated. But after the foundation was laid, work was stopped (v. 15). Through the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah (Zech 8:9), work resumed! In our passage, God instructs Haggai to ask certain questions to “the priests concerning the law.”
He asks “if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment” (v. 12), and accidentally touches bread, food, or oil with his garment, will this make the thing touched holy also? Their answer given by the priests was “no!” This is in harmony with the Levitical law concerning holy sacrifices (Lev 6:27) – if that holy sacrifice cannot make a person clean, then it cannot make anything else clean either! This is a very simple and practical application to all of us today. An unsaved or “unclean person” (Eph 5:5), cannot be saved or cleansed by “the blood of Jesus Christ” (1 Jn 1:7), by simply hanging around Christians.
Attending a bible-believing church does not make a person Christian anymore than staying in a bakery makes you become a loaf of bread! However, as valuable as a Christian friend’s influence is (Mt 5:13), or the importance of hearing the preaching of God’s word in a local church (Rom 10:17), every individual must make a personal decision to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior by faith (Acts 16:31). Being around godly believers who love the Lord (Jn 14:21), shall surely influence anyone in a positive way (Prov 27:17). But just getting close to them does not make anyone godly. Godliness and holy living (Lev 20:7), can be achieved by being obedient to God and being submissive to His will (Jms 4:7). If we do what He wants, then we shall reap His blessings for our lives! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera