Micah prophesies these mysterious words as punishment upon the hireling prophets that make God’s “people err” (v. 5). They “shall not have a vision” and they “shall not divine.” Divination is foretelling telling future events through dreams, astrology or enchantments; which is forbidden by God (Deut 18:10)! Many people today place their hope in these occult practices (Lev 19:31). They would someday find themselves in a hopeless or desolate condition (Ps 34:21)!
The pagans have relied upon the counsel of magicians, astrologers, and sorcerers (Dan 2:2). They trusted in their wicked works and ungodly practices (Ps 1:1). They were also proud and dwelling carelessly, which placed them in a very precarious situation (Num 24:1). Just like in the days of the prophet Isaiah, they would have to rely on those whom they trusted from their youth; the sorcerers, astrologers and enchanters (Isa 47:9). They would soon learn that those evil practitioners cannot offer them any help or refuge from God’s coming judgment (Isa 47:15). The false Jewish prophets of Micah’s days would be punished by lack of visions and by not being able to practice divinations! They would no longer be able to communicate to God and convey any messages to the people. Their seers will be “ashamed, and the diviners confounded” (v. 7).
They were merely engaging in a type of spiritual extortion (Deut 18:10), by prophesying positive messages that would only appeal to their listeners (2 Tim 4:3). These are selfish prophets; similar to those “that is an hireling” (Jn 10:12), wherein our Lord Jesus explained the difference between the concerned shepherd and one who is only interested in being paid for his services (Num 24:11). We need to remain vigilant (Eph 5:15), “in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation” (Php 2:15); by being “rooted and built up” (Col 2:7), in Christ! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera