The word “fear” is often associated with terror caused by the presence of an imminent danger. Some folks have fears of a specific thing or situation such as spiders, snakes, heights, confined spaces, or even going to a doctor. They are compelled to avoid it, even if they are given assurance that there is no danger! This is not what Solomon, the writer of Proverbs, is referring to in our passage. He uses its context to replace the words reverence, awe, and great respect for God (Lev 19:30). He is implying that we should have a deep sense of humility before Him (Heb 12:28).
When there is godly fear, Jesus will be recognized as the Only Saviour and Lord (2 Pet 1:11). We will acknowledge Him as the Creator (Col 1:16), and we are His created beings (Isa 43:7). He is our “Master” (Lk 17:13), and we are His servants (2 Tim 2:24). This attitude will be manifested in lives where God receives “glory and honour and power” (Rev 4:11). We shall be convicted to obey His word (Jn 14:23), which causes us to love and please Him (Mk 12:30). Thereby hating “pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way” (Prov 8:13)! People may profess Jesus as their Lord and Saviour with their mouth (Rom 10:9).
However, if they are not walking “humbly with God” (Mic 6:8), according to His will (Rom 12:2), then they don’t truly fear Him! Solomon said that the fear of the Lord “prolongeth days!” This is not a blanket promise because we know that life is like a “vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (Jms 4:14). In general, those who live to fear the Lord are more likely to live a good old age (Prov 3:2); even those who honour their father and mother would “live long on the earth” (Eph 6:3). “But the years of the wicked shall be shortened.” May we fear the Lord and prove it by obeying His word! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera