The prophet Zechariah wrote these words to the remnants of Israel after their Babylonian captivity. They were allowed to return to Jerusalem and were led by governor Zerubbabel (Ez 2:2), to begin the overwhelming task of rebuilding the city and God’s temple. Zechariah encouraged them that this difficult project could not be done by their own might or power. But it can only be accomplished through the power of God’s Spirit (v. 6); for without Him, we “can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). In the midst of their uncertainties, Zerubbael faced a “great mountain,” which was a picture of his great project that seemed impossible to move.
God promised that this mountain “shalt become a plain,” when the temple is built by His divine power! That is what God means by bringing “forth the headstone.” After the temple is finished, they would cry out “Grace, grace unto it.” Because God will get all the glory! We all face our own mountains of desperation or some personal struggles and sufferings (Rom 5:3). But our Lord Jesus said that if we have “faith as a grain of mustard seed” (Mt 17:20), He can remove mountains. Because “with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Mt 19:26). If we do it with the “arm of flesh” (2 Chr 32:8), it shall fail!
We need to exercise our faith (Jms 2:20). The power of God’s Spirit makes possible what seems to be impossible (Lk 1:37). Even Zechariah was discouraged because he did not know how this project would be accomplished, but God said it shall be done by His Spirit! When God’s people are “filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18), and are faithfully abiding “in the Vine” (Jn 15:4), then He can surely move mountains through them. We should not be dismayed during difficult times because we serve a living God Who is faithful (1 Cor 1:9), to do what He says (Php 1:6)! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera