The instruction is given to “the aged women.” The adverb “likewise” implies that they should also be taught “sound doctrine” (v. 1), as the “aged men” (v. 2). These women who are also mature in their faith (Heb 5:14), are to be good examples to all believers (1 Thes 1:7), especially the younger ladies. Her behavior should exemplify holiness or set apart to her sacred place like “virtuous woman” (Prov 31:10). She is to be devout in purity of character and thought (Php 4:8). True holiness comes from the changes within (2 Cor 5:17), which results in changes on the outward appearance that honors God (1 Sam 16:7)! Her demeanor should be “holy in all manner of conversation” (1 Pet 1:15), with the goal of “perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor 7:1). When this reverential fear is present (Prov 9:10), God gives us understanding about holiness in our behavior. It is a process of change as we “grow in grace” (2 Pet 3:18).
These women should not be “false accusers,” by going around and falsely charging someone with a fault (Ex 20:16). Trouble comes when one’s reputation is tarnished (Prov 10:18). Women should neither be “tattlers” (1 Tim 5:13), nor “slanderers” (1 Tim 3:11), or someone who spreads malicious lies! She should also not be “given to much wine.” Nothing good comes from drinking anything alcoholic (Prov 20:1), that causes drunkenness and incoherence.
They must explain to the young ladies about our biblical convictions (1 Pet 3:15), which include adorning “themselves in modest apparel” (1 Tim 2:9), instead of conforming to “the fashion of this world” (1 Cor 7:31). Older ladies are to be “teachers of good things” to these young generation of ladies and girls. Otherwise, they will be taught by the world (Col 2:8), that is opposed to the Bible (Jms 4:4). They look up to you, and they would most likely imitate what they see. Therefore, be a good example! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera