Israel because they were offering “polluted bread” (v. 7), and unacceptable animal sacrifices on the altar (v. 8). The law forbids this (Lev 22:22)! The people were not honoring God, so he asked them “will He regard your persons?” Or do you think that God would show you any favor after bringing Him offerings that were broken, useless, and left-overs (v. 9)? Since God took Israel as His firstborn son (Ex 4:22), He deserves our honor as a “son honoureth his father” (v. 6)! Children are to honor their father and mother (Ex 20:12).
When children learn to obey their “parents in the Lord” (Eph 6:1), they are setting the stage for obedience and respect for authority throughout their lives. When they walk in obedience to their parents, they will eventually learn to walk in humble obedience “in the sight of the Lord” (Jms 4:10). Sadly, Israel got tired of honoring the Lord. Instead of giving Him their very best, they started giving Him their worst and even looked at their service as “contemptible” (v. 12)! Therefore, God showed them that their dishonor and neglect of His true service will be the reason why He would call the Gentiles (v. 11).
Thus, the Lord refused to hear their prayers and to have pleasure in their sacrifices (v. 10). If you notice, Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament, and the Lord was silent after this for 400 years! Christians, we need to honor the Lord by not withholding His tithe (Lev 27:30). We should never give Him our leftovers because He gave us “His only begotten Son” (Jn 3:16), Jesus Christ. Let us always give Him the best of our time (Heb 10:25), in our witness (Acts 1:8), and our attention to His words (1 Tim 4:13). Let us give our utmost to the Highest! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera