Jesus tells His disciples that there would be some events (v. 3), that will transpire prior to His second coming (v. 30). These events will happen during the Tribulation period, when “the wrath of God is revealed” (Rom 1:18). And since the nation of Israel is guilty of rejecting Jesus as the Messiah (Rom 9:32), God shall use the “troublous times” (Dan 9:25), of the Tribulation to prepare the believing remnants of Jewish people for the return of Jesus (Rev 19:11)! Today, we are already seeing many of the events described by our Lord, such as “wars and rumours of wars.” The world’s political scene today is increasingly becoming unstable because of the threat of nuclear war.
There is already an ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Just as Esau (Gen 36:9), hated his twin brother, Jacob (Gen 25:26), the tensions between Israel and most Arab countries continue to linger today! We are also seeing an increase in anti-Semitism and the persecution of Jewish people (Dan 7:25). Many countries are desperately trying to survive economically by seeking resources from their neighboring nations. During the first part of the Tribulation, a false peace will be instituted by the antichrist (1 Thes 5:3).
But it will not last, because he will desecrate the temple of God (Dan 9:27), and he shall sit in the temple, “shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thes 2:4). Under his regime, there will be a worldwide mortality through war (Rev 6:4), famine (Rev 6:5), and death (Rev 6:8). Nations would try to destroy Israel, but they would fail because Israel will use their weapons as fuel for their people for seven years (Eze 39:9)! All these things that we are seeing today are just “the beginning of sorrows” (v. 8). It is all the more reason for bible-believing Christians to be “stedfast” (1 Cor 15:58), and continue to win souls until Jesus comes! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera