The bridegroom who is knocking at the door and telling his wife to open it (v. 2), is a picture of our Lord Jesus standing at the door of the Laodicean church (Rev 3:20). His wife pictures the church, who is the bride of Christ (Eph 5:25). The future “marriage of the Lamb” (Rev 19:7), refers to the bride who is the Lord Jesus Christ’s wife! She is adorned in fine linen, which is the “righteousness of the saints” (Rev 19:8). The wife’s lack of motivation to open the door for her husband describes the spiritual condition of many professing believers of our time. Our Lord Jesus is desperately trying to have fellowship with us (Mt 11:28).
In fact, He does not need the entire church to be revived and get on fire for Him (Ps 85:6). All He needs is just one person to hear Him and to open the door of his heart (Hab 3:2). Jesus would never force Himself to anyone. He would knock, but He will never break down the door to enter. It must be opened by a willing and “a clean heart” (Ps 51:10)! The wife responded by saying that she had already “put off” her coat and was reluctant to put it back on so she could open the door.
Sadly, many who claim to be born again (Jn 3:3), seem to be satisfied where they are and refuse to go any farther in their spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:2). For the most part, it is just being slothful or lazy (Prov 18:9) – they are both unconcerned and careless! Slothful folks think they should be in charge (Prov 23:7). They only want the position but not the job. They don’t like being supervised because they don’t want anyone telling them what to do. The only solution is for them to open the door of their hearts and have fellowship with Jesus, so they can humbly obey His word! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera