“Sin entered into the world” (Rom 5:12), when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command (Gen 2:17). Since then, the wrath of God (Rom 1:18), has been building up! One day, He shall pour His “vessels of wrath fitted to destruction” (Rom 9:22). The only thing that is holding it back is His grace and mercy (Heb 4:16). But in our passage, we see that this event will finally come into fruition when “the vials of the wrath of God” will be poured out upon the earth.
After the first vial is emptied, everyone who have worshipped “the beast and his image, and received his mark” (Rev 14:9), will be afflicted with “a noisome and grievous sore” (v. 2), in their bodies. This type of skin ulceration is described as extremely painfully and incurable. During those days, even the most modern technology and medical advancements will not be able to cure or even bring relief to those who are suffering! A sore is an external lesion manifesting from something that is corrupting from the inside. The Lord is clearly revealing to us the condition of lost sinners (Rom 3:23), just like leprosy (Lev 13:44), which typifies sin.
He is putting on display the real corruption and condition of their hearts through the sores on their bodies. They have rejected Jesus as the Only Saviour of the world (Jude 1:25). Now, they must face Him in judgment! Sadly, they will continue to blaspheme God (v. 11). Many today run around blaming others and even their parents for the problems they have in life. Spouses blame each other instead of trying to resolve their issues. Homosexuals blame God for their perversion (Rom 1:27); claiming that God made them that way; which is foolish! Because that sinful lifestyle (1 Cor 6:9), is a choice. Folks, the problem is not with God. They simply refuse to repent (v. 9). There is no one to blame but themselves! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera