After the Israelites settled in the promised land (Ex 3:17), the Lord commanded them to bring Him the best of the land. They were to offer Him “the first of all the fruit of the earth” and “put it in a basket.” This was their offering of thanksgiving and worship. It was a vivid reminder for them of God’s bountiful provision; Who brought them “forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand” (v. 8), and “unto a land flowing with milk and honey” (Ex 3:17)! These actions serve to remind us also to have a heart of gratitude for all that the Lord has given us (Eph 5:20).
We are to take the blessings that He has enriched us with and willingly offer it back to Him for His glory! We must always have this attitude whenever we “enter into His gates with thanksgiving” (Ps 100:4). We must approach Him with our baskets full of thanksgiving for all His blessings and for all that He has done for us (Ps 50:14). Often, most people just come to God when they need something or when they are in trouble (Ps 9:9). We must always come to Him with a thankful heart, especially for our salvation and all His “spiritual blessings” (Eph 1:3). Sadly, most worshippers come to God with empty baskets and ask Him to fill it up.
That’s just showing Him a state of spiritual poverty! God warned Israel that “none shall appear before Me empty” (Ex 23:15). We need to approach Him with our baskets full of praises and thanksgiving because He “daily loadeth us with benefits” (Ps 68:19). God is looking for true worshippers who shall worship Him “in spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:23). Genuine worship will always flow from a thankful heart! God bless you!
-Pastor Melito Barrera