Weddings are special times for couples as they spend numerous hours of preparation to make sure that everything is in perfect order. While some may look like they were made in Heaven, they still have to be lived out here on earth. After all the seals have been opened (Rev 8:1), all the trumpets have been sounded (Rev 11:15), and all the vials of God’s wrath have been poured upon the earth (Rev 16:17), our passage gives us a glimpse of a very special wedding day in Heaven.
It will be a time of great joy for all the redeemed people of God (Isa 62:12), when we are married to our Jesus Himself, “the Lamb of God” (Jn 1:29)! In the future, all true believers “shall be caught up together” (1 Thes 4:17), in Heaven during the rapture. Then “we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ” (Rom 14:10), to receive either rewards or losses based on what we have done while we are still alive (1 Cor 3:12). Finally, we shall be called unto the “marriage of the Lamb,” when we are presented as “a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle” (Eph 5:27). This heavenly celebration will be filled with high praises that are nothing compared to the most elaborate weddings here on earth!
It will be followed by a great “marriage supper of the Lamb” (v. 9). All in attendance will humbly bow down to Jesus and thank Him for all that He has done; His shed blood on the cross (Col 1:20), “for the remission of sins” (Rom 3:25), and His resurrection “from the dead” (1 Pet 1:3)! In this wedding, Jesus, the groom will be at the center of attention instead of the bride! Do you know for sure if you will be part of that wedding in Heaven? If not, be saved today by trusting Jesus alone as your Lord and Saviour by faith (Rom 10:9)! God bless you!
- Pastor Melito Barrera